It is here you can click on No to cancel the operation. You may be familiar with this check that takes place, most notably when you have other programs running or have unsaved documents. If it sees this, the operating system alerts you by asking and confirming whether you want to actually shut down. The first thing that happens is that Windows does a user check to find out whether other users are logged into the computer, or another account is used on the same PC. The following is the five major things that happen when you initiate shut down of your computer: User check takes place It is only after ensuring that everything is properly closed that the OS begins to halt and shut itself down. Windows has several checks in place before programs are closed and users are logged out.

The shutdown process is overall formal, and for a reason.

But first, a brief overview of the shutdown process itself, and what actually happens whenever you shut down your PC. We will take a look at what each option does below. Instead, the machine methodically plods through what is conveniently called the shutdown process. In addition to that, you do not even turn off a PC by pressing the physical power button. Today, computers come with power buttons, not those vintage on/off switches. In Week 3, we will wrap-up with a) the difference between Sleep, Hibernate, and Hybrid Sleep, b) when to use Sleep, Hibernation, and Hybrid Sleep, and c) customizing the power button and laptop lid. In Week 2, we will continue with a) explanation of the ‘The Dirty Bit’, and b) options for turning your computer ‘off’ and what each of the processes that each of the nine options really perform. We are going to be starting a three-part series on this topic, and this week we will start with a) the Windows ‘shutdown’ process, and b) what happens when you ‘shutdown’. What about the time when you call on your hardware, software or network support, and they guide you through the process of fixing your problem? You may get suggestions to reboot or restart your computer, shut down or log off - enough to make you dizzy! As you prepare to power down, you notice Windows lists multiple options to shut down your PC. You have been working long hours, and are getting ready to close up shop.